Wednesday, March 15, 2017

So Cute!

  • Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.

  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.

  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.


When I see this picture I go aww! “so cute!” I see a tiny cute puppy with a giant orange.
    I see It might be learning to stand up. I hear all the people awwing at this picture. I wonder
if this puppy thinks this orange is a big ball?”said Grandma “I wonder if the orange is big
Or the puppy is small.” said Grandad
“Maybe the orange is his best friend” said Jack,“Or maybe his favourite food is orange”said Mum
, “Or it’s a big puppy treat for him” said Sam,”Or Maybe the puppy is trying to roll it to the owner so he/she can
throw it” “I’m just wondering where he found it.” I said

“Maybe he went to climb an orange tree” said Julia , “Or the owner found it to make orange Juice”
I guess the puppy got it first.” “Maybe he had to roll it all the way Inside.”said Dad “Ohh I just don’t
know it’s just too much” I said.


  1. the dog had the orange first so you CAN'T have it AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

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